I went back to work the next day but could only manage to stay half a day for feeling so very weak and ill, not an uncommon after-effect of having an extreme high blood sugar like I had suffered the day before. I worked at getting my blood sugars stabilized and tried not to be worried as instead of feeling better, I only grew worse throughout the day. Too nauseous to eat since about Tuesday, I drank as much water as possible and tried to keep little bits of food down. I was reading up about what to do after the Diabetic shock I had had, and found I had all the symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which can become very fatal very quickly. I tried not to panic and worked on regulating my blood sugar numbers. By 6pm thursday night, I started having very good, regular blood sugar readings, and they remained that way as I checked every hour the rest of the evening, yet I grew sicker. And more and more frightened... Afraid of the costs of visiting a foreign Emergency Room, I wanted to be absolutely sure that my body wasn't getting better with the regulated blood sugar numbers before I went in, so decided that if I still felt so awful by tomorrow (friday), I would go in and see a doctor, but I hoped for a turn in my health in the night.
It only got worse.
By 1:30am I was unable to sleep for the most horrific pain in my lower back, a racing heart, and difficulty breathing, on top of the nausea, headache, weakness, and dizziness that had been with me for a few days now. I prayed from 1:30 to 3:30 about what to do, extremely disoriented and just plain frightened. Finally, at 3:30, I knocked on my friend Teri-Anne's door and woke her to say I thought I needed to go to the hospital. This woman is amazing. She popped out of bed, totally calm, speaking in soothing tones. It had begun to snow in the night and she felt scared to drive in it, but didn't let her worry betray her.

We were in the ER til noon. After being on the drip for awhile, I began to breathe more easily. My mouth was no longer dry for the first time in days. The pain killers took the back pain away. They took a urine test and the very kind doctor came to tell us that it is not Ketoacidosis, that every test came back negative (praise the Lord!) and that I seem to have a viral infection which has just been aggravated by the high blood sugar shock I had on Wednesday which dehydrated me. As I have felt so ill and haven't been able to eat properly, I haven't been able to get re-hydrated after the shock. And most of the pain and the ill-as-death feeling comes from being so dehydrated! So, a liter of electrolyte drip later, I was able to go home and crawl into bed for as many days as it takes to be well again...
And so, here I am. My biggest challenge is trying to eat. Blah... Not being able to eat can be a bit of a problem when you're Diabetic and have to keep your blood sugar numbers in just the right range-- which involves an intricate dance of insulin and diet! I appreciate any prayers you have to offer...

I do hope to write a final post on my months in Africa soon... Just after I'm well...
For now, I thank each of you who have been praying for me!! And I sign off to sleep...
Loving you. Loving Him. And healing,
Thanks for the update, Leah!
When I first heard that you weren't feeling well, I became very concerned for you. I found myself waking up several times during the night on Friday and praying for you...now I know why the Lord kept putting you on my heart that night!
Thanking and praising the Lord for His protection and provision in your time of need. Give Teri-Anne a big hug from me for taking such good care of my niece = )
I know firsthand what it's like to sit in an ER for hours with a loved one...and it's definitely not easy!
Take care, get lots of rest and fluids, and feel better soon, sweetie!!
Oh Leah! I feel so badly for you but am praising God that you have such a wonderful "family" over there to help take care of you. Praying that you feel better again soon!!!
So good to hear you're feeling better Leah! I've been away fro a couple of days now, not being able to check facebook or your blog, but I have been praying and I'm so relieved that you are doing so much better now!
I'm off to London to see my man on Thursday, let me know if there is anything British that I could being back that will speed up your recovery (apart from your own man...)
Take care Leah!
Lots of love //Annie
Aunt Deb-- thank you so much for praying, even waking in the night to do so!! What a warrior(princess) :)
Sara-- Thank you!! I am so thankful for His gracious love...
Annie-- Thank you so much!! Your kindness and concern touches me so :) I hope you have an amazing time with your London-boy. Thanks for the offer of bringing anything English back for me but the man, but he's all I want really ;) hehe. Looking forward to seeing you again when I'm well and you're back!
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