I called home yesterday for the first time in, what, 3 weeks? I'm afraid I put it off because it makes me quite homesick... My nieces were there at my parents' house and oh my goodness, my heart aches to hear their little voices over the line!! They told me of all the baby cows on Grandpa's ranch and Abby chattered on about Barbie Dolls and I missed them so much it was a physical ache.....
( The girls on my last day with them in the States)
For me this is one the clearest areas in my life where I'm given the chance to not only speak words of faith, but live them. If I truly believe He is God and this world has fallen and reconciliation with Him is the only way; if I truly believe His heart is alive with love for every person on this earth, and longing to bring us all home, away from this aching world and straight into the paradise He meant before sin; if I truly believe in what He accomplished at the cross... I'm going to do whatever it takes to do my part in making that known.
Today, for alot more reasons than missing my lovely girls, I'm saying with Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
I know the most important thing in life is what is eternal-- so here's to living like it's true.
Awww, what a phonecall home can do.
BEFORE the aforementioned phonecall, I spent the day both at my church where I had my first Sunday back on the worship team, and then at a friend's church in the afternoon. The service was in Swedish so Betty whispered a translation in my ear the whole way through :)
It was beautiful....
The Norwegian pastor, speaking in Swedish, began the talk by telling us that we take something like 26,000 breaths a day... He then went into some biblical text and it looked like the statistics at the beginning were completely unrelated as he spoke of how God's infused everything with His holiness and we only must wake up to it... then at the end he told of how the Hebrew letters for God's name YHWH were pronounced in Hebrew in such a way as to sound like breaths... And he breathed them out for us.
And the beauty of the analogy is still sticking with me-- that God would design our very breath in such a way that we would be speaking His name 26,000 times a day.
How close is our majestic God.
How deeply He knows our every thought, every struggle, every cause for tears and every cause for smiles.
He's imprinted Himself in our very breath...
May you know this crazyily-loving God better today than you did yesterday.
Out for coffee after the second church service with Betty (Indian but born and raised in Sweden) who took me to church with her, Teri-Anne (Singaporean-- and the one I'm renting a room from!), Patra (Jamaican), Sorinella (Romanian) who also came to the second church with Betty and I, and Antone (Bulgarian) who is also my house-mate renting from Teri-Anne and Anders!

For me this is one the clearest areas in my life where I'm given the chance to not only speak words of faith, but live them. If I truly believe He is God and this world has fallen and reconciliation with Him is the only way; if I truly believe His heart is alive with love for every person on this earth, and longing to bring us all home, away from this aching world and straight into the paradise He meant before sin; if I truly believe in what He accomplished at the cross... I'm going to do whatever it takes to do my part in making that known.
Today, for alot more reasons than missing my lovely girls, I'm saying with Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
I know the most important thing in life is what is eternal-- so here's to living like it's true.
Awww, what a phonecall home can do.
BEFORE the aforementioned phonecall, I spent the day both at my church where I had my first Sunday back on the worship team, and then at a friend's church in the afternoon. The service was in Swedish so Betty whispered a translation in my ear the whole way through :)
It was beautiful....
The Norwegian pastor, speaking in Swedish, began the talk by telling us that we take something like 26,000 breaths a day... He then went into some biblical text and it looked like the statistics at the beginning were completely unrelated as he spoke of how God's infused everything with His holiness and we only must wake up to it... then at the end he told of how the Hebrew letters for God's name YHWH were pronounced in Hebrew in such a way as to sound like breaths... And he breathed them out for us.
And the beauty of the analogy is still sticking with me-- that God would design our very breath in such a way that we would be speaking His name 26,000 times a day.
How close is our majestic God.
How deeply He knows our every thought, every struggle, every cause for tears and every cause for smiles.
He's imprinted Himself in our very breath...
May you know this crazyily-loving God better today than you did yesterday.

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